Schlagwort-Archive: Server

Minecraft Server

mscs aktualisieren im Ordner /home/minecraft/mscs das Kommando

git pull
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Command Reference

All commands below assume that you are running them as either the minecraft user or as root (through sudo).

Note: If the script is run as the root user, all important server processes will be started using the minecraft user instead for security purposes.

mscs [option]
* start [world] - Start the Minecraft world server.  Start all worlds by default.
* stop [world] - Stop the Minecraft world server.  Stop all worlds by default.
* force-stop [world] - Forcibly stop the Minecraft world server. 
                       Forcibly stop all worlds by default.
* restart [world] - Restart the Minecraft world server.  Restart all worlds by default.
* force-restart [world] - Forcibly restart the Minecraft world server.
                          Forcibly restart all worlds by default.
* create [world] [port] [ip] - Create a Minecraft world server.
                               The world name and port must be provided,
                               the IP address is usually blank.
* delete [world] - Delete a Minecraft world server.
* disable [world] - Temporarily disable a world server.
* enable [world] - Enable a disabled world server.
* list [option] - Display a list of worlds.
    Options:  * enabled - Display a list of enabled worlds, default.
              * disabled - Display a list of disabled worlds.
              * running - Display a list of running worlds.
              * stopped - Display a list of stopped worlds.
* status [world] - Display the status of the Minecraft world server.
                   Display the status of all worlds by default.
* broadcast [command] - Broadcast a command to all running Minecraft world servers.
* send [world] [command] - Send a command to a Minecraft world server.
* logrotate [world] - Rotate the server.log file.
                      Rotate the server.log file for all worlds by default.
* backup [world] - Backup the Minecraft world. Backup all worlds by default.
* list-backups [world] - List the datetime of the backups for the world.
* restore-backup [world] [datetime] - Restore a backup for a world
                                      that was taken at the datetime.
* console [world] - Connect to the Minecraft world server's console.
                    Hit [Ctrl-D] to detach.
* watch [world] - Watch the log file for the Minecraft world server.
* map [world] - Run the Minecraft Overviewer mapping software on the Minecraft world.
                Map all worlds by default.
* update - Update the client and server software packages.
* query [world] - Run a detailed Query on the Minecraft world server.

Hosting/Provider Vergleich

Hosting anbieter vergleichen, weil für fußball-journal müssen wir ja einen anderen finden

siehe auch

Fertigheime für Bastler

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Kategorien erstellt

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Hauptkategorien sind

Server, dahinter verbirgt sich die Kundenummer, das Paket wenn nötig und der Server den es betrifft.

Produkt, meint, was geändert wurde, also ein WordPress Script, oder eine Domain, oder EGW usw.

Thema, bezeichent das Projekt welches geändert wurde, also Collatus, oder Sokrates, oder FMB.